The Hake Report
08/12/20 Wed. News Correction! 5yo Boy Offed! Ed Brayton: Bye! Obama RINO!

08/12/20 Wed. News Correction! 5yo Boy Offed! Ed Brayton: Bye! Obama RINO!

The Hake Report, Wednesday, August 12, 2020, HOUR 1: CORRECTION: Hake News got it wrong, thanks to Nick! The White House suspect was NOT carrying after all! What was he?? 

Evil may seem to win in a worldly sense, such as Ilhan Omar “winning” her primary, and Laura Loomer banned from texting/emailing supporters! 

Suspect Darius Sessoms allegedly did-in 5-year-old victim Cannon Hinnant in front of his older sisters. Shocking story. 

HOUR 2: Ed Brayton, a humanist blogger, said he wants to pass on while on pain medication. BGTG calls-in about this. 

James debates extensively with a black conservative Obama voter and non-Trump voter! 

Toward the end, a great conversation with a mixed guy Connor from Atlanta, GA, about the stupid culture in America, and mistreatment he experienced. He thinks Ben Shapiro is beta, and brings up a recent conversation with Joe Rogan about Jane Elliott, of all people, and the black community. 



  • Rick from Hampton, VA congratulates Joe Biden for making his ‘losing ticket official’ 

  • Tianki from St. Louis, MO has a great call that James appreciated. 

  • BGTG from Los Angeles, CA remarks on death and a personal story, prompted by James reporting of Ed Brayton and his self admittance into hospice. 

  • Joe K. from Phoenix, AZ calls in to “correct” James on some statistics regarding welfare. 

  • Connor from Atlanta, GA has a suggestion for helping the black community. 

  • Marty from Kansas City, MO wonders if James has ever used a chainsaw or knows the difference between plants and weeds. 



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Also see Hake News from JLP’s show today. 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/8EuyUF2q_Nc 

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/8/12/081220-wed-news-correction-5yo-boy-offed-ed-brayton-bye-obama-rino

The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!