The Hake Report
Birthday Hake | Wed 7-17-24

Birthday Hake | Wed 7-17-24

Hake's friend stops in. Calls: Republicans aren't serious! Cut JD some slack! Happy birthday, Hake! Homeless black knife-wielder shot! Unions vs Amber Rose.

Hake's friend stops in. Calls: Republicans aren't serious! Cut JD some slack! Happy birthday, Hake! Homeless black knife-wielder shot! Unions vs Amber Rose. 

The Hake Report, Wednesday, July 17, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start 

  • (0:05:20) Hey, guys! 

  • (0:06:13) Hake's strong Rhodesian friend, Nick, hair 

  • (0:12:43) ALEX, CA: Reaction, Trump, Dems both ways 

  • (0:15:58) ALEX: Repubs not serious enough; Joe 

  • (0:20:32) ALEX: real Christians? 

  • (0:24:07) WILLIAM, CA: Wasting time hating 

  • (0:28:46) Reading chat: JD Vance 

  • (0:30:48) Coffees: Happy b-day, Emoji Day 

  • (0:34:57) Coffee: JD Vance, wife, Vivek, Indian culture 

  • (0:40:04) NOAH, NY, 1st, women, ex-wife, kids 

  • (0:45:52) YES GUNNER, Chicago: Weak RNC 

  • (0:50:15) YES GUNNER: Hard economy, Libs in power, Be a light 

  • (0:58:07) YES GUNNER: JD, Trump 

  • (0:59:01) JD Vance comes from a different world. Politician? Lawyer?  

  • (1:01:10) Homeless man with knives shot in Milwaukee, RNC 

  • (1:07:16) RNC: Peter Navarro out 

  • (1:12:51) LUKE, Vietnam, 1st, anti-Satanism cult 

  • (1:19:02) LUKE: Am I doing it right? 

  • (1:24:32) BRIAN, NC: Hillary was mildly attractive 

  • (1:26:47) JOE, AZ: Hate, Nazis demonizing, Dishonesty 

  • (1:37:27) CRISHAUN the Don, FL: Happy b-day, 

  • (1:41:45) JIMMY, MN, Jaime: Union Sean O'Brien vs Amber Rose 

  • (1:50:41) Closing, "Thin as a Needle" - Starflyer 59, The Last Laurel EP 


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The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!