The Hake Report
Fake beliefs, fake values, fake AI people! | Fri 7-12-24

Fake beliefs, fake values, fake AI people! | Fri 7-12-24

Callers on Christianity, belief in God, the Bible, sin, and women. Miss AI a Moroccan SJW in a hijab! DEI vs MEI and Elon Musk!

Callers on Christianity, belief in God, the Bible, sin, and women. Miss AI a Moroccan SJW in a hijab! DEI vs MEI and Elon Musk! 

The Hake Report, Friday, July 12, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics on my mind: Miss AI

  • (0:03:08) Hey, guys! Orange Henley, s/o Hassan 

  • (0:06:15) STANLEY, CO, 1st, Christianity, Belief in God? Free will 

  • (0:18:43) STANLEY: Coincidences 

  • (0:28:56) STANLEY: Socialist church, family 

  • (0:31:23) STANLEY: Are all going to heaven? 

  • (0:34:48) DAVID, FL: Born again sinner, fighting 

  • (0:49:33) DAVID: Ye are gods? You no longer sin 

  • (0:53:00) JIMMY, MN (formerly Jaime) Mormons 

  • (0:59:20) JIMMY: "You people" Christians, Bible 

  • (1:03:22) JIMMY: People in Hell, lied to, guilt 

  • (1:07:33) Supers: Lin Yen Chin, Intellectuals, Biden impression, Anger 

  • (1:16:10) Miss AI, a fake gal with fake values from Morocco 

  • (1:26:01) SERG, TX: Women stuff, practical to pick a woman? 

  • (1:42:31) SERG: Bible 

  • (1:43:16) WILLIAM, CA: Dean Martin, Zebra killers 

  • (1:49:14) WILLIAM: Catholic, Maturity, Joe Biden 

  • (1:52:47) Ending: DEI or MEI: Merit, Excellence, Intelligence: Elon Musk 

  • (1:54:23) Jacky Cheung - 只想一生跟你走 I just want to follow you all my life 


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The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!