The Hake Report
Foresight is better than hindsight | Mon 6-24-24

Foresight is better than hindsight | Mon 6-24-24

Thomas, lone dissenter for 2A for men facing DV restraining orders. Azzmador (RIP) situation: Foresight is better than hindsight.

Thomas, lone dissenter for 2A for men facing DV restraining orders. Azzmador (RIP) situation: Foresight is better than hindsight. 

The Hake Report, Monday, June 24, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics: Justice Thomas, Azz lesson (not CNN Bible) 

  • (0:03:58) Hey, guys! 

  • (0:07:14) Clarence Thomas: DV vs 2A 

  • (0:16:19) HADEN, TX: Excited? Other callers. 

  • (0:26:51) HADEN: Have to respond when people 

  • (0:31:37) DANIEL, TX: Why not be overexcited? 

  • (0:36:15) DANIEL: 1776, cool-headed G Washington, Civil War 

  • (0:40:58) Azzmador: You want foresight, not hindsight! 

  • (0:49:01) JAIME, MN: Judge Christina Peterson, women accountability 

  • (0:56:02) JAIME: Misfit Nation on LGBT activism history 

  • (0:57:21) JOE, AZ: Tax cuts, economy, Dems, R's 

  • (1:03:46) JOE: Azzmador, Leviticus 26: 7 

  • (1:11:28) FREDERICK: Azzmador on the run, criminal! No Hell? 

  • (1:16:50) MARK, CA: Charlottesville 2017, War on women/children 

  • (1:25:16) FREDY, FL (1st) "We gotta fight" 

  • (1:26:54) WILLIAM, CA: black female judge 

  • (1:32:28) WILLIAM: Shooters Round Rock, grad for probation 

  • (1:34:44) BOBBY, TX: RIP Azz, London Breed SF, women 

  • (1:41:11) BOBBY: Country not coming back 

  • (1:44:06) Rumble Rants: WNBA bets, IQ order

  • (1:45:59) Coffee: Putin de-escalating: Right in conflict? 

  • (1:48:03) Coffee: Irishman woman (Stiff-Man Syndrome, not "stiff-person") 

  • (1:49:44) IG: DV defender? Victim blaming: Two to tango! More Analysis! 

  • (1:52:25) "I'm Troubled in Mind" - Spiritual Workshop Paris 


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The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!