The Hake Report
Jesse Guest-hosts for Hake, Day 1, Taking BETA Callers! (Tue, Sep 3, 2019)

Jesse Guest-hosts for Hake, Day 1, Taking BETA Callers! (Tue, Sep 3, 2019)

Jesse guest-hosts The Hake Report on Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson's stream, 9 AM PT, Tuesday, September 3, 2019: He plays a Fox News clip about black-on-black crime that's generally ignored by mainstream media who like blacks being brainwashed and demoralized. THEN some great beta callers (see caller log below). BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2019/9/3/jesse-guest-hosts-for-hake-day-1-taking-beta-callers-tue-sep-3-2019 Caller Log: Isaac from Ontario, Canada, is a non-Christian vegan trying to push veganism on Jesse, calling killing animals "murder"! Matthew from FL claims he's alpha because he benches over 300lb, but he's white and lives with his black girlfriend. His brother's turning transgender, and they haven't told their dad! Maze from Dayton, OH, and Jesse argue about how important it is that men put the eggs in women that make the baby. Darryl from NY tries to say Chicago mass shootings weren't mass shootings because they were by multiple shooters. Steven from TX didn't know who his real father was until age 26, thanks a lot family! AT THE END JESSE CATCHES JOEL SLEEPING! JOEL DENIES! Hake's video from this episode: https://youtu.be/XBRRG38FfJc JESSE'S ORIGINAL STREAM: https://youtu.be/Tj9uIN7jOKU James also hosts on his own Hake channels live Sunday 9am PT (11CT/12ET) Call-in: 888-775-3773 http://thehakereport.com

The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!