The Hake Report
Police Knee-on-Neck Story; Twitter Attacks Trump! (Weds. 5/27/20)

Police Knee-on-Neck Story; Twitter Attacks Trump! (Weds. 5/27/20)

The Hake Report, Weds. 5/27/20: Police knee-on-neck incident with George Floyd (who said, “I can’t breathe”) in Minneapolis, where protestors rioted. Ice Cube shared a “Make Whites Great Again” hoax. Maj Toure of “Black Guns Matter” (appearing at CPAC and BlazeTV) threatens JLP! Twitter “Fact Checks” Trump’s warnings about vote-by-mail in California. 

CALLERS: Louie from ID says he visited his mean Oma at the nursing home. Chris from IL says Biden is the “racist”! Donning Armour from CA protests the pettiness of the story of Amy Cooper the Central Park “Karen.” Lucas from Alhambra, CA, says the birder Christian Cooper was the “Karen”! 

BLOG: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/5/27/police-knee-on-neck-story-twitter-attacks-trump-weds-52720 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/VLAum1z3Mx8 

Call in! 888-775-3773, live Sunday through Friday 9 AM (Los Angeles) https://thehakereport.com 

The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!