The Hake Report
Save the kids. Promiscuous countries. 'Profiling' complaints. | Mon 7-29-24

Save the kids. Promiscuous countries. 'Profiling' complaints. | Mon 7-29-24

Trump and Elon for the kids. Is Kamala Harris low-IQ? Messy woman! Most promiscuous countries. Calls on police and "racial profiling."

Trump and Elon for the kids. Is Kamala Harris low-IQ? Messy woman! Most promiscuous countries. Calls on police and "racial profiling." 

The Hake Report, Monday, July 29, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start/Topics 

  • (0:01:46) Hey, guys! Mildly Attractive tee 

  • (0:04:00) Save the kids! Elon Musk, Trump 

  • (0:21:40) AJ Delgado vs Jason Miller and Trump? 

  • (0:25:02) Homeless fire? Santa Fe dam, SGV 

  • (0:27:04) SERG, TX: Sonya Massey; Cop overreacted? 

  • (0:32:15) SERG: Seeing differently; Darkness vs Light 

  • (0:35:45) SERG: Profiling? 

  • (0:41:22) Super: Greggatron 

  • (0:46:25) Supers: Lin Yen Chin 

  • (0:50:44) Super: Homelessness in CA 

  • (0:56:41) JOHN, KY: Bad white cops 

  • (1:08:20) Most promiscuous countries: S-word facts 

  • (1:25:36) JAIME, MN: Cops and profiling, politicians 

  • (1:31:21) JAIME: Female teachers, S with student 

  • (1:33:43) JAIME: Sonya Massey, cop deserves time 

  • (1:35:48) STEVEN, MD: Profiled story 

  • (1:39:03) STEVEN: Y'all cowards. GZ. Hannah Payne. 

  • (1:44:19) STEVEN: Voting George Wallace? Served military? Draft dodge? 

  • (1:47:53) Supers… The rest tomorrow! Call me tomorrow! 

  • (1:53:04) Youth Brigade - "Barbed Wire" - 1981, Possible EP 


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The Hake Report
James Hake gives his takes on the news and people in the news, and takes calls on politics and religion — coming "from a Christian alpha male perspective," one viewer called it!